Past JWAC events: 2023-2024 season 41

-Bringing the world to Juneau.

Travelogue: North to Norway

Tuesday, May 21 | 5:15 - 6:15 | Goldtown Theatre

In November and December of 2023 Mary Anne Slemmons, husband Jim Baldwin, daughter and photographer Claire Baldwin, and son-in-law Brian McHenry cruised from Oslo to the northernmost tip of Norway before returning south to Bergen aboard the Hurtigurten, one of the world's most innovative and sustainable cruise lines. Follow them as they explore narrow fjords, the Lofoten islands, and ports in between. Hear about cold dips, reindeer, the road filmed in James Bond's "No Time to Die", and more in the rich and diverse Kingdom of Norway. Doors at 5:00 p.m. Donations gladly accepted.

'Conflict and Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa' with Dr. Benjamin Petrini

Wednesday, May 8 | 5:15 | KTOO Studio 1

Dr. Benjamin Petrini is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. He conducts research and outreach activities on conflict, fragility and international development, with a specific focus on Africa. Dr. Petrini's areas of expertise include drivers of armed conflict and instability, the development of responses and strategies to address conflict and insecurity, and durable solutions to global challenges like forced migration. Learn more about him and his work here.

Travelogue: Time and Time Again in Taiwan

Tuesday, April 16 | 5:15 - 6:15 | Goldtown Theatre

John Roxburgh and his husband have traveled the world, but their favourite country to visit is still Taiwan. They've visited many times since their first trip in 1989, and they're still finding new things to see and do. John will show pictures from their January 2023 trip where they visited a 17th Century European fort in a Taipei suburb, Keelung's famous night market, the small (and heavily touristed) Shifen Waterfall, and the strange, architecturally stunning National Taichung Theater. Doors at 5:00 p.m. Donations gladly accepted.

'Vietnam's Living Past: Healing From History' with Dr. Nguyet Nguyen & Co.

Monday, April 15| 5:15 | KTOO Studio 1

In November of 2023, UAS history professor Nguyet Nguyen and Dean of Arts and Sciences Carin Silkaitis travelled with 12 students to Vietnam as part of a Vietnam War history course. They started in Hanoi and made their way to the South, visiting historical sites made famous during the War, such as the ''Hanoi Hilton'' prison, Khe Sanh, My Lai, and Cu Chi Tunnels, exploring the history and impacts of these places on the people and culture of modern Vietnam, as well as themselves. In this multi-faceted presentation, Nguyet Nguyen, Diane DeSloover, Marin Hart, Dean Maas, Kaylea Stoakes, and KJ Metcalf shared insights and experiences from their journey of discovery and healing.

The presenters wish to acknowledge the Juneau chapter of Veterans for Peace, which made a considerable donation to the class's travel budget, a gift that helps to offset the costs for some students, and mitigate the legacies of war in Vietnam.

Travelogue: Six Months Solo in Europe and Beyond

Tuesday, March 19 | 5:15 - 6:15 | Goldtown Theatre

Bookending a semester in Seville, Kerrigan Ponsart and her 45-liter backpack traveled by plane, train, and car (and, yes, a lot of foot) through 23 countries in six months. From Stockholm and the Sahara to an underwater museum in Cyprus, Kerrigan will share highlights, ins and outs of solo travel, and lessons from the trip of a lifetime. Doors at 5:00 p.m. Donations gladly accepted.

Travelogue: A Dozen Days in the Dolomites

Tuesday, February 20 | 5:15 - 6:15 | Goldtown Theatre

Stephanie Hoag hiked through Italy's famed Dolomites to absorb the region's natural beauty and thrilling history. From mountain huts to villages, Stephanie will share highlights from the Austro-Italian front lines of World War I, the (in her own words) ''unbelievably spectacular!'' mountains, and the hike that connected it all. Doors at 5:00 p.m. Donations gladly accepted.

Symposium: ALASKA IN THE CROSSHAIRS: Climate, Arctic Environment, and the Resurgence of Nuclear Weapons

Friday and Saturday, February 16 and 17 | 7:00 PM Friday, All-day Saturday | University of Alaska Southeast

Come learn and discuss how Alaska is the crossroads of climate change, Arctic transformation, and the resurgence of nuclear weapons. While much environmental activism is rightfully taken up with climate effects, nuclear weapons are a massive environmental threat, one so obvious it can be easily overlooked. Join experts from across multiple disciplines as we explore Alaska's unique role as the sole US Arctic state, one of only six U.S. states that have endured nuclear weapons testing, and a crucial environmental habitat.

-Friday 2/16 at 7pm: Dan O'Neill, author of ''The Firecracker Boys'' will present a history of the evolution of these issues since the dawn of the nuclear era.

-Saturday 2/17: a full-day of presenters and panel discussions will consider the challenges already on a collision course: the warming planet, coastal erosion, rising industrial navigation and development, and resurgent nuclear tensions, all challenging global residents and cultures that call the Arctic home.

''The biological, chemical, and physical changes occurring in today's Arctic are outpacing science. Our modeling of the interrelationships of systems is unreliable and the changes are rapid and dramatic, with global consequences. Added pressure from military and industrial infrastructure portends disaster, and those closely concerned with the environment must stay abreast of these issues. WE ALL LIVE DOWNWIND.'' Learn more at

Presented in partnership with event organizers Veterans for Peace Chapter 100, Point Hope Congress, and Alaska Peace Center.

WorldQuest 2024!

Feb 2 | Doors at 6:00 | Centennial Hall

Our annual fundraiser is the biggest and best trivia night in town!

Film: Hidden in Plain Sight: The real cost of a safari lurks in the shadows.

Thursday, January 25 | 7:00 PM | Goldtown Theatre

Presented by the filmaker with publicity support from JWAC: ''Only about 15% of safari companies throughout Africa are under Black ownership, while the labor force across the continent is over 90% Black. This disparity is characteristic of the tourism sectors of second- and third-world countries. The result: economic leakage of profits so large that the UN estimates that for every $100 (USD) a tourist spends on a vacation, only $5 remains in the country. In Tanzania, foreign-owned safari companies dominate the high-end market, reaping massive profit by denigrating the land and exploiting the labor of the country. For the first time, this film shares a side of the industry that has been silenced for years by heavy-handed, foreign-owned companies. Hear from the local Tanzanians, the guides who make our vacation dreams possible. Simply put, the picturesque ideal we've all come to associate with safaris is no more than a veil covering the ugly reality of modern colonialism in action.''

Rachel Levy, the producer and director, recently moved to Juneau and attended the screening for a short Q+A about responsible and sustainable tourism after the 30-minute film. Pay what you can - all proceeds go towards film festival submissions

Click here for event poster.

Travelogue: Four Weeks in Lebanon

Tuesday, December 5 | 5:15 - 6:15 | Goldtown Theatre

Keira Alkema returned to Lebanon for the fourth time in mid-September to visit friends, attend a few weddings, eat a lot of falafel, and hike the Lebanon Mountain Trail. She shared pictures and stories from her most eventful visit yet: the grandeur of Baalbek, the literal (and figurative) ups and downs of trail life, and what happened when plans had to change. Doors at 5:00 p.m. Donations gladly accepted.

Travelogue: Ayutthaya to Yangon by Bike

Third Tuesday, November 21 | 5:15 - 6:15 | Goldtown Theatre

Rory Darling shares highlights of a 2019 bike tour from Thailand's City of Kings to the heart of Mon culture in south Central Myanmar. Along the way, Rory surveys the grandeur of Buddhist temples, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, British colonial legacy, and the quiet rural life in a culturally rich and geographically diverse corner of Southeast Asia. Doors at 5:00 p.m. Donations gladly accepted.

'Blueprints for a More Modern U.S. Diplomatic Service' with Ambassador Dan Smith

Wednesday, November 15| 5:15 | KTOO Studio 1

Daniel B. Smith, recently retired from the Foreign Service with the highest rank of Career Ambassador, served as the State Department's Transition Director for the 2020 Presidential Transition and subsequently as Acting Secretary and Acting Deputy Secretary of State in the early months of the Biden Administration. He served prior to that as Director of the Foreign Service Institute - the premier foreign affairs training academy for the U.S. Government.

Ambassador Smith held a series of other senior leadership positions in the State Department, including as Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research and as Ambassador to Greece from 2010 to 2013. He also served as Executive Secretary of the State Department, and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs. In addition to Greece, his overseas tours include Bern, Istanbul, Ottawa, and Stockholm, as well as a recent assignment as Chargé d'Affaires in New Delhi. He has taught Political Science at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Ambassador Smith is a recipient of the State Department's Arnold L. Raphel Memorial Award for mentoring, the Secretary of State's Distinguished Service Award, a Presidential Distinguished Service Award, and the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal.

Ambassador Smith received his Ph.D. and M.A. from Stanford University, and his B.A. from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

KTOO 360TV video:

This presentation was made possible with the support of the American Academy of Diplomacy and their partners, Arizona State University and the Una Chapman Cox Foundation.

Fall Forum: Immigration, Detention and Power: Addressing Bias and Prejudice.

Friday and Saturday, October 13 & 14 | UAS Egan Lecture Hall

Click here for schedule, speaker details, and video of each presentation

Invited immigration experts from all over the nation joined us to address the problems, conflicts, tools, and solutions for addressing bias and prejudice in immigration, with emphasis on the consequences of various policies, including trauma, as well as paths to healing and reconciliation.

Presented in partnership with the University of Alaska Southeast.

'The Czech Republic, The European Union and the Rise of Populism' with Dr. Martin Nekola

Thursday, October 5 | 5:15 | KTOO Studio 1

The current political situation in the Czech Republic -historically considered the crossroads between the West and the East- is a reflection in miniature of the latest developments in the entire European Union, currently facing a serious crisis caused by Brexit, significant refugee influx, coronavirus pandemic, and the rise of populist tendencies. Martin Nekola's talk will address all these issues, from the perspective of the Czech Republic, other Central Euorpoean countries, and the EU as a whole.

Dr. Martin Nekola is a Prague-based independent scholar who serves as the Project Coordinator at The Czechoslovak Talks, a non-profit dedicated to preserving the life stories of Czechoslovaks from around the world. He has also worked as the Research Director at Democracy 21, an NGO that works on the pressing problems of democracy in the 21st century. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the Charles University in Prague and has published extensively on the history of Eastern Europe during WWII and the Cold War periods.

KTOO 360TV video:

Travelogue: Icelandic Road Trip

Third Tuesday, September 19 | 5:15 - 6:15 | Goldtown Theatre

Alisha Falberg shares tales of her recent circumnavigation of the land of fire and ice. Driving a camper van on the Golden Circle, Ring Road, and roads less traveled, Alisha experienced the best of Iceland: big cities, national parks, and plenty of hot springs. There were many pictures of waterfalls, as warned! Doors at 5:00 p.m. Donations gladly accepted.

'Stealth Sisters and Threads of Hope: Sahar Provides Underground Education for Women and Girls Under Taliban Rule' with activist Shogofa Amini

Thursday, September 14| 5:15 | KTOO Studio 1

When the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan, it again banned formal education for girls above 6th grade. Sahar is a Seattle-based non-profit that exists to find innovative ways to promote girls' access to education in Afghanistan by partnering with grassroots, locally-based organizations to create educational opportunities and safe learning spaces for girls and women, empowering and inspiring children and their families to build peaceful, thriving communities. [Learn more.]

Speaker Shogofa Amini, a native of Mazar-e-sharif, is the Program Manager of Sahar. She is an award-winning women's rights activist and holds degrees in International Relations and Global Health. She spoke about her program's work, as well as her own journey under the Taliban.

KTOO 360TV video: