JWAC World Affairs Forum
Along with WorldQuest, the annual World Affairs Forum is one of JWAC's cardinal events each year. A topic of international importance and particular relevance is chosen by the board with input from the Membership, and much effort goes into assembling a panel of experts to gather in Juneau and discuss the issue with us over a two-day period. This event is an excellent opportunity for the people of Southeast to meet and interact with chief thinkers and policy makers.
Videos of the most recent Forums are available from 360 North.
Recent forums:
Immigration, Detention, and Power: Addressing Bias and Prejudice (2023)
Modern Journalism: The Role of News Media in a Changing World (2019)
Europe: Allies and Alliances in a Turbulent World (2017 [actually early 2018])
Refugees and Human Migration (2016)
The Politics of Water (2015)
Mexico and the US: Do Fences Make Good Neighbors? (2014)
Canada: Al-Can Summit - A Road Map (2013)
China in the 21st Century (2013)
The politics of Global Climate Change (2011)
Palestine: Revisiting and Updating the Status of Peace talks in the Middle East (2011)
Conflict Resolution (2010)
Middle East (2009)
South Asia (2008)
Latin America (2007)
Europe (2006)
Pacific Rim (2003)